EjaculationOperator MeyrinH○wke EnglishVer.

2022年09月27日 00:00


サークル 素屋 発売日 2022年09月27日
形式 HCG 体験版
価格 1,210円 備考




DLsite ダウンロード FANZA -


販売店 リアルタイム価格 リンク
DLsite クリックで取得 購入
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This is a CG collection for adults, mainly featuring Meylin H○wke, the heroine of "Mobile Suit G○NDAM SEED DESTINY".

Basic CG: 16 pictures + difference (with/without text)

Main story with text: 700 pictures, without text: 513 pictures Total: 1213 pictures

Conversation scenes with standing pictures are included *No text for conversation scenes is included.

There are different situation scenes based on some basic CG compositions.

Image size: 2000 x 1456 (JPEG)

The new ZAFT battleship Minerva, which had been severely damaged in the previous battle, arrived at the Carpentaria base.

At the base, a man was waiting for Meylin H○wk, the Minerva's air traffic controller.

Meylin had previously signed a special contract with the man.

The man had previously signed a special contract with Meylin, in which he would do anything she asked of him in exchange for a transfer to Minerva from another ship to which he had already been assigned.

The man ordered Meylin to work on unofficial missions for the sexual gratification of male generals until Minerva's repairs were completed and the ship was ready to sail.

In order to fulfill her contract, Meylin, who did not yet know the man, began her professional career as an "Ejaculation Control Officer" to handle and manage the sexual desires of men. ......

(English product description provided by the creator.)




強制機械姦 薬品注射 全裸・四肢拘束 羞恥・実験
優良シナリオ 義妹 貧乳
敗北羞恥 お仕置き 潜入・探索 拘束
上下逆転 お仕置き 玩具扱い 言いなり 公然調教 魔法少女
羞恥・屈辱 監獄行き 玩具扱い 言いなり 公然調教 魔法少女