DREAMLANDS: Lives and Epics Chapter 2

2024年05月14日 00:00


サークル LoudMouse Crew 発売日 2024年05月14日
形式 マンガ 体験版
価格 330円 備考




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DREAMLANDS: Lives and Epics Chapter 2 [LoudMouse Crew]

The world of DREAMLANDS is no longer a dead one.

Now, Pernathoris and Nehiram are travelling across Dreamlands to bring the Giants, the Dragons and the Dwarves together.

Each of these tasks bears its own challenges towards Pernathoris and each one is different and more demanding than the last.

But the most important thing is that this is no longer the story of Pernathoris. These are the lives and stories of others. And what’s to happen.

Well, the journey of all these lifetimes starts with the turning of a page.

This isn’t a story where the hero shows up, speaks a message and everyone follows. In each case, Pernathoris proves himself and realises that one way to change the future is to educate “it”.

DREAMLANDS: Lives and Epics Chapter 2 [LoudMouse Crew]

The only way to learn what he’s teaching is to embark on this journey with him.

As a demigod, Pernathoris slowly makes his travels across the land using his knowledge and magic to help the races of DREAMLANDS come together and avoid the annihilation he has survived. But he still bears scars and marks.

DREAMLANDS: Lives and Epics Chapter 2 [LoudMouse Crew]

A deity that came to life when all the stories of a dead world were brought together. Omniscient and all-knowing, Nehiram is temperamental and unexpected when it is needed. Just like a good story.

DREAMLANDS: Lives and Epics Chapter 2 [LoudMouse Crew]

The Giants of DREAMLANDS are craftsmen and artisans. They value hard work with an innovative vision and a touch of magic. Their language is through their creations and the stories each item, jewel and piece of art holds.

But can there be craft without art?

DREAMLANDS: Lives and Epics Chapter 2 [LoudMouse Crew]

The Dragons are proud, hot-blooded and secluded. They value tales and myths more than anything, because with them they can alter reality. In their eyes, those who speak the with the story-tongue are worthy to live.

But how does one prove themselves?

DREAMLANDS: Lives and Epics Chapter 2 [LoudMouse Crew]

Here’s where it gets tricky. The Dwarves do not trust magic. They do not have magic as a species. Instead, through technology, science and understanding, they are living as traders and explorers in the southern islands.

Now, a wizard comes along to them to tell them to trust other magic-wielders. How will he do it?

Same with Chapter 1, we made DREAMLANDS into a story with passion at heart, and we can recommend it to you if you like:

Neil Gaiman's The Sandman

Brandon Sanderson's dark fantasy series

Berserk, Soul Sacrifice and Dragon's Dogma

Warhammer and Rumble

We are fans of epic fantasy, dark gothic, intense linework and ink.

(English product description provided by the creator.)


LoudMouse Crew
LoudMouse Crew
LoudMouse Crew


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