[ENG Ver.] Revenge Masturbation 2 [Includes Bonus Live2D Masturbation Animation]

2023年10月25日 00:00


サークル Tera Stellar 発売日 2023年10月25日
形式 マンガ 体験版
価格 660円 備考 DLsite専売




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This work contains content that overlaps with "Revenge Masturbation 2 [Includes Bonus Live2D Masturbation Animation] (RJ01077138)."

*The Live2D animation includes subtitles in English in addition to Japanese audio.

Revenge Masturbation 2 [Bonus: Live2D Masturbation Animation]

This work solely portrays girls engaging in masturbation. There are no male characters or sex scenes.

Mei, the victim of bullying, seeks revenge by secretly recording embarrassing footage of her bully, Cocoa, and masturbating to it.

Another bully is Niina.

To get revenge on her as well, Mei decides to steal Niina's underwear during pool time and mess it up by masturbating with it.

While indirectly connecting their private parts, Mei finds pleasure in tarnishing the gentle and beautiful Niina, who is the complete opposite of her own dark self.

The troubled girl's masturbation keeps on escalating.

The second episode consists of 18 pages of the main story and 1 colored page, totaling 10 pages.

As a bonus, also included is a 3-minute and 40-second Live2D animation of Mei-chan masturbating, made as a hobby project.

Mei Kusunoki (VA: Hina Ayame)

Hina Ayame's Twitter account→ https://twitter.com/Hina_ayame_vo

Creator's Twitter account→ https://twitter.com/osanainii




強制機械姦 薬品注射 全裸・四肢拘束 羞恥・実験
優良シナリオ 義妹 貧乳
敗北羞恥 お仕置き 潜入・探索 拘束
上下逆転 お仕置き 玩具扱い 言いなり 公然調教 魔法少女
羞恥・屈辱 監獄行き 玩具扱い 言いなり 公然調教 魔法少女